Quarantined In Key West

December 1, 2020

As soon as we returned from the Dry Tortugas the world was in a frenzy with COVID-19. After stocking up on provisions for our failed Bahamas plans, we “sheltered at home” in the mooring field, at least 50 feet from the neighboring boat.

Long Days of Doing Nothing

The days were long, as Tiff continued to work from home and bounced between spotty wifi signal from the booster and her unlimited cellular hotspot.

We were used to going to land just about every day, so this was actually a nice change of pace for us… staying on the boat for days at a time. We now only went to land once a week or every other week to gather mail, get groceries, and do laundry.

Boat Workouts

We got creative with boat workouts. There was HIIT on the bow, TRX (with hammock straps) in the cockpit, and anchor lifting on the swim platform. We also put some miles on the paddleboard. So many miles that it exploded (popped a seam) one day, forcing us to get a new one. Thanks, BodyGlove customer support team for the discount!

Cottrell Key

One weekend, we ventured out to Cottrell Key, about 9 miles off of Key West. It’s usually packed with fishing and snorkeling charter boats, but we had the whole place to ourself!

The water was beautiful. The reef was right under our boat, which is why there are mooring balls provided. It was the perfect little getaway that we wanted, except for the wind! We thought we’d have good protection from the reef and island, but the wind made RumHaven rock and roll side to side.

After hanging out for a few hours, we decided it would be a pretty rough night’s sleep, and since the mooring field was just over an hour and away, we headed back for our mooring.

In The Video

For a video of us doing “nothing” while quarantining… it’s actually quite entertaining. Watch the video to see the beautiful waters of Cottrell Key, and why we decided to leave. Plus, a glimpse of what it looked like being self-quarantined in Key West.

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A former Marine Corps Sergeant who ironically just found his love for #marinelife. Salty living sums up both former and current lifestyles of Captain Willy Montego.

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