How We Beat The Heat

August 16, 2019

“Endless Summer” that’s what many people love about Florida. But honestly, we can’t wait for Summer to end! Don’t get us wrong, for 8-9 months out of the year, the weather is perfectly sunny and 75. But those other 3-4 months are hot and humid. 

How’s The Weather?

We were actually surprised at how different the weather is in Key West vs Fort Myers Beach. Where it used to rain at 3pm every Summer afternoon in Fort Myers Beach, the rain here in the Keys is less predictable. I believe that’s because there is less “land” for the heat to rise above and formulate those massive thunderstorms that hit the Fort Myers area every afternoon.

Still, we have our occasional storm that rolls through, stirs up the water, dumps rain, and brings a hefty breeze. The weather is actually manageable when there’s a nice breeze and you can find some shade. However, it’s those low-wind days when there’s less than 5mph of wind that can be brutal. 

Those days, we go to land and find an air conditioned place to work until it’s quitting time. But we don’t rush back to the boat at 5 o’clock, Oh no, that’s the Dead Man Zone as you’ll see in the video. The 5-7pm timeframe is harder to find shade as the sun gets lower in the sky. But let me tell you, those Summer sunsets arghh amazing! 

Alright, enough chatter – here’s the video, which also explains how we got by without a working marine generator for our first two months in the mooring field. 


A former Marine Corps Sergeant who ironically just found his love for #marinelife. Salty living sums up both former and current lifestyles of Captain Willy Montego.

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